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 Kaelaren the Brown

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Posts : 16
Join date : 2012-07-09

Kaelaren the Brown Empty
PostSubject: Kaelaren the Brown   Kaelaren the Brown Icon_minitimeSun Aug 19, 2012 9:49 pm

Character Name: Kaelaren (pronounced Kah-ee-lar-ehn)
Order name: Penfeather (Only ones who know this are other Order members, or very close friends of his) Other names he is known by: "the Brown, Darksong, "Singer of pens," Pensong or qQuillsong.. "Song of pens/Song of quills" work as well. There are even a few who know him as 'song of blades' though these are very far and very few between, for that was a name used in his much younger days. Many of his names can be turned into titles with relative ease...
Gender: male
Age: 2474
Race: winged elfe

Kaelaren stands six feet six inches tall and has long hair that is brown bordering on chestnut and comes to the small of his back. He often has it tied back or braided so that it fits down his wings and can be quickly put up for flying. His wings are a striking brown and per his request were made to match his hair. Due to his elven and bird-like nature he is a bit more graceful than many of his kind and revels in this. Due to one of his sponsors being somewhat of a darker skinned elf, his skin is darker than many of the others of his kind. This coloration also varies as per his rank in the Order of the Darks for the higher a member ranks, the darker their skin becomes. His eyes are a striking opalescent blue (or violet depending on the light) framed by silver lashes that make people do a double take to make sure they have actually seen them. Especially if they are in a light that brings them out (IE twilight or false dawn.)

. His voice is deep and resonant, and some would say, incongruous to his slender, athletic build. It also has hints of a chaucerian or middle English manner to it.
Other unusual characteristics:
Tattoos/Piercings/Scars/Birthmarks: tatoo of phoenix on right shoulder: spiral tatew on lower back right below wings. Black and silver six-pointed star mark on right hand (visible only to other Order of the Darks members) triangle shaped birthmark on left cheek just below the eye.
Odd Quirks (if applicable):
When he becomes frightened or nervous his wings slick to his sides. There have been many a time where he has unintentionally done himself harm with this habbit, but he cannot seem to stop it.
ocupation: merc/assassin/warrior diplomat of the Order of the Darks/cook/entertainer when necessary.

Kaelaren is fiercely loyal to his friends and family, but once trust is broken it takes years (or shorter if your lucky) to regain it. He is slow to anger, but when he is angered, you will know it. He is a bit more easy going than many of his fellows (Including Craimar) but can often be considered aloof and haughty due the manner in which he caries himself and his speech patterns. Those who know him, however, will know him differently, and know him to be both a dangerous enemy or a staunch defender of those he considers his own, or those he has chosen to travel alongside.

Kaelaren can shapeshift to become a falcon at will-though it is easiest for him to do this during the twilight or at night, he may also do so during the light of day-it will just not be as smooth or as painless as it would be otherwise. Most oftene Kaelaren will avoid shifting during the day-except for at high sun, for many times he will want to fly the twilight with Craimar-which will be more often than not.
Born on a world where sords ruled, Kaelaren is no stranger to blades or the like. He is often said to have a chaucerianway of speaking. His parents, while not perfect, were decent people and elves to boot. He came to the in on an invitation when he was in his early twentys, and was chosen by Tyraelia soon after. He was also chosen by Craimar to be his Chosen 'Brother.' This surprised Kaelaren a great deal for he'd not known Craimar had trusted him that much. At the time of choosing, Kaelaren and Craimar had only known each other for about six months or so. Due to sponserships, Kaelaren was also vigen wings upon joining the order. He chose to keep his elven nature, and due to this is a bit more etherial and graceful for it.

After an undetermined amount of running missions together, Craimar was lost to Kaelaren for a time. Finding that Craimar had been in Chicago, Kaelaren went to look for him there, only to find that he was no longer there. On a hunch he reached for his brothers connection and was immediately swept up in what could only be termed a magical windstorm to be dropped on a world in which he was the stranger. He currently has no knowledge of where he is or whom he will find here-and still looks for his brother every where he goes. His...light, his reason to exist. Kaelaren aches to see him again, for it has been far, far too long...much too long. It howevever, no longer matters, for the wait is at an end-after travelling for sometime through that world, Kae has managed to be, again, reunited with Craimar, and both are much much better off (and happier to boot) for it. Kae stil looks to Craimar at times as if he will disappear...and is still having a hard time believing they are once more in each other's company.

Kaelaren is a superb diplomat, and is very good at keeping a level head-unless he isn't. He is a very good singer, and can play several instruments which include the pipes, flutes and a drum or two. He is still learning others, however, and tends to be drawn by music both old and new. He is an excellent telepath as Craimar is, as he belongs to the same organization. His position however is both the warrior and the diplomat, and so his pens are just as affective, if not more so, than his darts or his blades. He can tolerate caffine better than Craimar can, and it tends to mellow him out some-calming his nerves after a long day. He also enjoys his teas very much. He is not, like Craimar, alergic (in any way shape or form) to iron-made things. he adores animals, especially avids, gryphons and the like, and can often be found among them helping to groom and care for them. He may also be found in the kitchen assisting with meal preparations, especially with the sweet breads (Which he has a habbit of pilfering pieces of.)

He has a hard time opening to others and will often times not talk when he should. This is not so much the reverse )Opening his mouth when he shouldn't) though that can happen sometimes. People often think him aloof and longwinded for the way he speaks. He is also afraid of cages and does not like underground places. Like Craimar he has not had an easy past, though he speaks little of it to others for fear of it being used against him. He has had that happen before, after all.

Last edited by midnightorder on Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
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